15 July 2008

New Place to Live

Chet was able to work out a deal with the owner of this duplex. We will paint the inside, and he will hold it for us until Sept. We have to give our current landlord 30 days notice from the 1st of Aug. Its a much smaller place (one less bedroom), but it is right by the kid's school, rec. center, and the city park. It does have a good size kitchen, we'll just have to figure out how to handle the kids sleeping situations. They've gotten used to having their own bedrooms. And who knew Nat was the clean one. He has done a good job!


Erin Bingham said...

Congrats on the new place! Now you won't have to entertain people looking through your place. That will be nice.

Lillian Wilkinson said...

have fun painting.
I am excited for you to be so close to everything.

A Tribute to Rain

Creek Street

Creek Street
Famous Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska