How's that for a post.
Pictures to come later.26 June 2008
Sorry, Slow Two Weeks Blogging
As some of you know, Chet and Nat were away at Boy Scout Camp in Juneau for 9 days. It was the longest 9 days of my life. Here are some of the events: Becca went to play with the Tippetts kids and Sister Sandy Tippetts bought her an ice cream cone at McDonald's (I don't know if she has a lactose intolerance or what, I guess we will cut out dairy and see if it helps), and she was extremely sick all night and the next day, of course, Re-Max called and scheduled to show the house we are renting the next morning with about 12 hours notice, they are supposed to give us 24 hours notice, I called and asked to reschedule the appointment. The receptionist said she would call the other real estate agent and see if we could reschedule it for Friday, the next day. She didn't call me back, so you know, I thought that they couldn't do it, or whatever--I didn't know what to think. Apparently, Re-Max called the Landlord and told her some kind of story that I wouldn't let the people in to see the house--I had hurt myself cleaning this house, have broken my butt (literally--my tailbone) cleaning her house--have irritated my severely arthritic left knee (I think I have re-torn my cartilage and my kneecap is severely grinding on the bones in my leg). Anyway, apparently, they came by and walked the property while I was trying to take care of my sick daughter and keep the house immaculate. Our landlord calls me twice because she gets a choppy message on her answering machine about me "refusing them entry." This is not the first time I've been cussed out by her because of the same reason--this being the time a couple of months ago when I was on two different antibiotics for a bad urinary tract infection and had fallen in the kitchen and broken my tailbone. Anyway, back to this last Friday, June 20th. Meanwhile, the price of gas has gone up to $4.05 for regular unleaded and my van is almost empty and Friday is pay day and I have lots of errands to run and bills to pay. Becca has called the Tippetts and is going on a picnic with them up North on the island. I need to go get a couple of gallons of Gas so I can run my errands and pay my bills. I get just a little ways and my back driver's side tire blows out. (Here me yelling AHHHH! at this point and pounding on the steering wheel). I turn on my hazard lights, because I'm on the part of the road that has no place to pull to the side and no place to call and I could not find my cell phone. Anyway, I limp back to The Edgewater Bed and Breakfast to pull over. Luckily a member of the Church works there. I didn't know her name, but we recognized each other from the couple of times I've actually been at Church, and of course she knows who Chet is. I really really love my husband. Anyway she lets me call West Side Service, and wait and watch the boats out their windows, which lookout right on the bay, West Side Service is the auto garage that has the tow trucks to pick up us pathetic stranded motorists. Luckily, it was a beautiful clear summer day, and we did not have our usual horizontal rain. The tow truck driver said it would have been a lot longer to help me if we would have had the usual horizontal rain. He drives me up to the house so I can call Sister Tippetts and ask her to keep Becca until I was done being stranded and getting the tire replaced. It ended up being a very very expensive errand for a couple of gallons of gas. Sunday, the landlord calls me two more times to swear at me and tell me it is my fault that the real estate agent took the person to another property and they made an offer on the other property and it was my fault. Did I mention she hung up on me! Chet and Nat are on the ferry on their way home, and I can only talk to Chet when they are near a town and have cell phone signal. Nat got to watch a lot of movies on the ferry. Chet got to read his book, and receive tons and tons of calls from his very stressed crying wife who has a new hole in her stomach from all the stress and her left knee is swollen to twice the size of her "normal" metal knee. Its a good thing that talking to Chet is like me having an IV of Valium put in me. Meanwhile, Becca is still really sick (She is going through a major growing spurt), and she is watching her mother fall apart and she is being a great comfort. Did I mention that she received a black eye from the car antenna while waiting to be picked up by Sister Tippetts, which bled and freaked her mother out. I put a bandaid on it and it was fine--except for the really good shiner she has. Poppie would be proud. Anyway, I picked up Chet and Nat at 6:00 am Tuesday Morning. it was 31 hour ferry ride from Juneau to Ketchikan. Chet says that Seattle is a little further in distance but that the trip from Juneau takes about the same amount of time because of the extra stops. We got back to the house and cuddled for a few hours and then Chet played World of Warcraft in a nice clean house until the kids went to bed. Becca is still feeling seriously sick and I have to sing her to sleep, Chet says he remembers having similar problems sleeping caused by growth spurts. Nat is doing great He turns 12 in 3 days and recieved his First Class Scout rank at the last court of honor. He did so good at Scout Camp, He earned his art and archery merit badges. His score in archery was 191 when only 150 was required. He loved the compound bow and now wants one, the Instructor said that he couldn't miss. So we are seriously looking for another place to live because we shouldn't have to put up with this crap. We've talked to the Bishop and he have us a number of a person to call that is supposed to help us.
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Creek Street

Famous Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska
All I can say after reading that is "WOW".
I'm glad things are starting to get better. May they continue to do so.
I have to say Amen, to Mikes "Wow".
I've had those kind of days. The bright side is that the days of just normal problems seem much easier. Good luck house hunting. Are you guys going to keep renting or are you ready to buy?- Niki
I'm so sorry.
That all just really, really sucks.
I'm not sure McDonald's ice cream actually has any dairy in it. (I'm also not sure their hamburgers have any hamburger in them).
But I hope Becca feels better soon.
When she is a 6'2" supermodel making a million dollars a year she won't even remember the pain. (But you might).
Love you guys.
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