16 August 2008

Moving Day

Today is moving day. The Elder's Quorum was supposed to be here at 9:00 am this morning, and only one guy showed up and he didn't have a truck, so we're doing the best we can. Supposedly, we'll have someone with a truck show up later today. Our telephone, cable, and internet won't be hooked up at the new place until Aug. 21st, so if you need to get a hold of us, use Chet's cell phone #. If you don't know that, then I'm sure you know someone who does, otherwise we probably don't hear from ya anyway! So there it is. Happy August. I hate moving!!!--Liz

1 comment:

Mike Hugo said...

I agree, I hate moving! Good luck.

A Tribute to Rain

Creek Street

Creek Street
Famous Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska