02 April 2008

Deer Mountain and other things

This is Deer Mountain. We live near the bottom of this beautiful mountain. Everyone is praying that the snow will melt soon, so it can power the generators at the power plant and we won't have to have rolling blackouts. That would suck.
The weather has been beautiful here lately, clear skys, sunny,--I feel better when it rains, but I guess we need the snow to melt at the top of the mountain--can't it do both.
I have been feeling pretty nasty lately--I fell in my kitchen and really bruised my tail bone pretty badly. I've found a good chiropractor, but the M.D. Doc I want to go to won't be taking new patients until June, so I'm still getting all my meds through Dr. Remington in Utah, which has been frustrating for both me and the pharmacist. I've been feeling kind of down because of this, but what can you do. A lot of members here keep their Docs in Washington. I don't know how they can afford the air fare.
The kids are doing the annual testing that all schools do this time of year, so no homework this week--yeah!! It's good to have them in school again. Spring break was not a break for me. Some of the stores that closed for the fall and winter are starting to open, so everyone is starting to get ready for tourist season. It will be interesting to see what that is like.
We love and miss everyone. We hope you and yours are doing well and that Heavenly Father blesses you all.--Liz


Lillian Wilkinson said...

The mountain is beautiful. I understand what you mean about spring break not being a break.

how nice not to have the homework battles.

G-rant said...

Chet, where are my work keys?


Della Hill said...

I'm with you on the spring break thing.
I'm not looking forward to summer. Well, except for the beach.
I'm sorry you are feeling crummy.
I hope you feel better soon and get your meds figured out.

Marf said...

Actually what melts the snow the fastest is a warm(ish) rain, more so than sunny weather.

This last storm we had started to melt some snow around the 400-500 foot level, so there's a little water going into the lakes now.

For a while there, the town was running on almost 100% diesel generation. And there would have been rolling blackouts if one of those broke down.

Chuck and Nancy said...

I miss you guys. I hope that you feel better soon. Are there a shortage of doc's up there to establish a prescription regime or what? Good luck with summer. Tourist season should be interesting. -Emily

A Tribute to Rain

Creek Street

Creek Street
Famous Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska