31 January 2008

Liz says I was tagged

  1. Two Names You Go By:
    1. Chet
    2. Chester
  2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
    1. My wedding ring that originally belonged to my great grandfather Chester.
    2. A blue Polo type shirt that I got for Christmas
  3. Two things you Want (or have) in a Relationship:
    1. A beautiful wife who loves me for exactly who I am, faults and all
    2. A best friend who loves being in Alaska as much as I do
  4. Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
    1. Spend time with my wife and kids
    2. Scouting
  5. Two things you did last night:
    1. Scouts
    2. Practiced Guitar
  6. Two people you Last Talked To:
    1. Liz
    2. Becca
  7. Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
    1. Work
    2. Spend time with the family
  8. Two Longest Car Rides:
    1. Provo to Houston Texas
    2. Provo to Ketchikan Alaska
  9. Two Favorite Holidays:(As an adult)
    1. Christmas
    2. Thanks giving
  10. Two Favorite Drinks:
    1. Cranberry Juice
    2. Country Time lemonade (hot or cold)
  11. Two Things About Me you may not have known:
    1. I enjoy cryptoquote puzzles
    2. I am learning jazz guitar from my boss.
  12. Two jobs I have had in my life:
    1. Cook for Ricks College food Services
    2. Ropes Course Facilitator
  13. Two Movies I would watch over and over:
    1. LOTR
    2. Most any western
  14. Two of my Favorite Foods:
    1. Alaskan Halibut
    2. Spicy lo mein
  15. Two places I'd rather be right now:
    1. Utah, Idaho, South Dakota, California - only to visit family
    2. Virginia only to visit family
I choose to tag Von (someone please let him know)

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A Tribute to Rain

Creek Street

Creek Street
Famous Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska